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Social Change


Hill, B., de la Piedad Garcia, X., Rathbone, J. A., Malik, Z., Holmes-Truscott, E., Lawrence, B. J., Kite, J., Cooper, K., Broady, T. R., & Dixon, J. (2024). Supporting healthcare professionals to reduce weight stigma. Australian Journal of General Practice, 53(9), 682-685.

Rathbone, J. A., Jetten, J., & Cruwys, T. (2022). Perceived legitimacy of weight-based discrimination: Consequences for group identity, collective action, body satisfaction, and self-esteem. Body Image, 41, 156-162.

Rathbone, J. A., Cruwys, T., & Jetten, J. (2022). Non-stigmatising alternatives to anti-obesity public health messages: Consequences for health behaviour and well-being. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(7), 1601-1614.

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